Travels to Colder Nights

Hello all, Multiverse Con had a new hotel! In Atlanta, people gathered at the Hilton in Peachtree. It’s not as far from the airport even though it was quite a distance. I’m relieved I didn’t make a complete fool of myself at karaoke or during panels, though one did nearly deviate into the Batman villains othered for their mental illness.
Since one night was clear in Atlanta, I tried going outside to see the comet that was visible last week. Alas, I had no luck. But it was a nice night, so I got to stroll around with my binoculars looking for a good view. The weather is colder in Atlanta than it is in Miami, which was nice after Hurricane Milton missed us.
The trip back to Miami was definitely interested. American Airlines made me miss my connection, so I spent a few hours in a hotel in North Carolina before taking a shuttle back to the airport for a seven AM flight.
October is normally a month where I am gung-ho about Halloween and celebrating. It’s been an off-month, I am ashamed to admit, where the main way I’ve been celebrating is by eating candy. Still working on my costume which I hope to wear Wednesday or Thursday.

A Comet We Can't See - Priya J Sridhar
How hard can it be to see a comet? Very hard when the weather works against you. I'm doing what I can to see the comet passing over Earth.
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