Rise of the Woodpeckers

The woodpeckers are out in full force, a sign that spring has come. They may have a territorial battle with the green parrots, who have also laid claim to the dead palm trees. I don't know who is stronger, though they both love our yard for the trees.
March has certainly been an interesting month. I made cake with my niece today, specifically dyed blondies in cake tins and decorated with pink frosting. Still writing up a storm, so that I can meet anthology deadlines and be creative, while dealing with little and big disruptions. Heck, our downstairs ceiling decided to spring a hole so that was fun. It's still there until we can get a repair person.
But we're here. We made it to the end of the month. And new potential still blooms. Just not going to get into a territorial fight with any birds. They seem aggressive enough.

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Personal Blog:

Editing and The Other Side of The Magazine Desk - Priya J Sridhar
I'm now a guest-editor at Translunar Travelers Lounge. And I'm learning about editing from the other side.