Remembering Small Steps

I was looking through my phone to find photos that would accompany this newsletter. This one is a month old, from when I was walking around Pasadena to get some cash from the bank for the convention. It was a time to stroll and enjoy the city, wince at the rents, and eyeball how far the playhouse was. (It was too far for a walk.)
My friend Risa Wolf (whose newsletter is here) told me a good piece of advice: if some days feel too hard to complete tasks, build up with small steps to approach that task. Small steps do help, sometimes literal ones to go outside or to open a document. I haven’t been successful at doing this everyday, but it’s a work-in-progress.
Tomorrow I turn 33. I’ve been despairing because last year my birthday was a bit of a disaster though my big brother and his wife took my family out to dinner, which was kind. It feels like disaster could happen tomorrow. Other setbacks have me convinced that 2024 isn’t my year.
But my older niece and nephew are here, and seeing them with bright smiles and energy brings me a lot of joy. So savoring their happiness is one small step, to not despair for a few hours.
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