Post-Con Thoughts

Glasgow has very efficient train systems. Once I understood the directions on how to get from Queens to Partick (NOT Patrick as I found out), it wasn’t too hard to get from my hotel to the Scottish Education Centre, aka the SEC, where the con was. I still had to get my time management under control for panels, since the con required more walking than expected. Other attendees told me this was normal for European cons, the walking.
WorldCon itself was great; I only made a fool of myself on three occasions, and people were very forgiving. Authors were happy to sign my books. Then I came home and tested positive for COVID. So I spent about a week in bed taking antivirals, updating people I saw in-person and tracking the number of attendees who self-reported on positive results. And I sent some notes about things WorldCon 2025 could do to reduce a spread.
Attending conventions is one way to build a writing career. Because the more you talk on panels or talk to people, the more authors that you can support. But it is costly to go in-person, and traveling internationally is a lot of effort. Not to mention COVID-19 is now part of the con crud and will be for a while.
At the end of the day, we do our best in such social spaces. But I always find my people.

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