Pleasant Surprises

So May. It was… exciting. And brought a lot of curveballs. June was a new month, and I hoped the only surprises would be pleasant.
I attended the 2024 Nebula Conference and the awards ceremony. While I wasn’t up for an award, some of my friends would be. Cheering them was a lot of fun. Plus, the ceremony itself honors speculative fiction authors and works that have touched many hearts.
My older brother and sister-in-law hosted me for a day after I checked out of the hotel Sunday and learned why most people don’t walk to train stations with suitcases. They also surprised me with an impromptu birthday celebration, since I turn 33 next month. I got a great present, cake, and singing, and wasn’t expecting any of it. That was amazing! Plus, their cat warmed up to me after a night of staring at me curiously.
Also, I have a new short story out!!! Inner Worlds accepted this one, about how I wrote about visualizing anxiety. Anxiety fish were also the inspiration for a game jam challenge, and I came up with the script as well as the backgrounds.
Inner Worlds:
Inconvenient Anxiety Fish, by Priya Sridhar
Content warnings Anxiety; Parasites mention. Anxiety woke me with sharp nibbles. I cracked an eye open. Piranha teeth latched onto my arm. “No, go away.” I waved my arm to shake it off. My anxiety fish bounced with every shake, but refused to open its mouth. It chewed more, as

How NeverAwake Helps You Fight Your Nightmares
When your mind is scarier than the real world
Knuckles and the Human Element. A show that knew when to rely on its… | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | May, 2024 | Medium
A show that knew when to rely on its emotional story.
Morgan Spurlock and A Tainted Super-Sized Legacy | by Priya Sridhar | Counter Arts | May, 2024 | Medium
Why the facts matter.

Ten Years of Aladdin on Broadway. Never had an anniversary like this! | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | May, 2024 | Medium
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Three Picture Books About Feelings: Ups and Downs; Orion and the Dark; Gray | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | Jun, 2024 | Medium
Books that help us find the words to express ourselves.