Last Week of Summer

Hey all,
So I'm back in Miami. We flew in on Saturday evening from California, making our flight on time with minimal traffic and security.
My family spent two months in Westlake Village, to help my older brother move into a new place with his wife. We did see the house before we left, and it looks lovely. Last time, I was writing about donuts. This time I'm writing about travel.
Before we left, I visited two libraries in the area. One was right by where I was buying donuts, and was a huge library with lots of children's literature. The other library was also huge, and had a vintage bookshop attached to it. I went inside, naturally, and saw lots of books priced at only fifty cents or a dollar each.
The lady behind the counter explained that patrons donated these books. All the sales would fund the library. I was happy to put down a few dollars, finding a book that we had donated years ago, and one that caught my eye. There were books from the 1900s on cooking, and some on jazz. Some leather editions cost as much as $800, and I wisely avoided them. It was cash only.
While I didn't do everything on my California to-do list, I was happy to complete some items. Visiting the local libraries was on my list, and seeing a bookshop that wasn't Barnes and Noble was a bonus. I'm going to enjoy reading about Tolkien's great-grandson and his memoirs going into the pandemic.

Inspiration (Or Lack Of) From Travel And Writing - Priya J Sridhar
I considered writing a book this summer. It didn't happen. Inspiration can come from anywhere with travel and writing; work comes from you.

Interview with Rythian Black, Author of A Poetic Prose and “For A Second Death” | by Priya Sridhar | Writers’ Blokke | Aug, 2023 | Medium
Thoughts on poetry, life, and catharsis.

Owl House Recap Masterpost. All my recaps of The Owl House on… | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | Aug, 2023 | Medium
All my recaps of The Owl House on Medium.

The Lioness and The Rat Queen Pits Former Friends Against Dangerous, Corrupt Foes | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | Sep, 2023 | Medium
Finding a dangerous man in another city is harder than it looks.

Finding Catharsis in Cuphead's Inkwell Isle
Time to roll the dice
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