From Tadpoles to Spiders and Film
Hello all:
This week has been interesting. It's my second week in a new role, and the start of June. For some, that means that summer is starting and parents plan for those free hours. Others are taking graduation photos. Some, like me, are preparing to age another year.
It feels like time moves too fast. Then I noticed this bird in our curry leaf tree. It was enjoying the berries and the leaves. Then it would lean back and open its beak. Why, I didn't know. Maybe a defense against predators, to look threatening.
To my mind, it seemed to be chilling in the afternoon. It reminded me to sometimes take time to stop, especially when life frustrates you. We need to be a bird, enjoying green curry berries in the sun.
Personal Blog:

Honing Your Craft - Priya J Sridhar
I was talking with fellow writers this week, about why we write and why we don’t write. In some cases, some writers are submitting on…

NeverAwake Offers Unique Visuals and Little Victories With a Twin-Stick Shooter
Fighting to wake up against the tomato dragons

Coral Island Welcomes You With Camaraderie and Conflict
Stairway Games provides a farming adventure where players tend to the land, champion the environment, and wage epic battles against corporate villains
What to Learn From the New Leaf Literary & Media Agent Fiasco | by Priya Sridhar | Writers’ Blokke | May, 2023 | Medium
How to not get blindsided by your literary agency dropping you