Friday Landings! And A Weekend At the Nebulas
Hello everyone,
Happy Friday! I'm sending this from a plane. This week, I made banana bread with ghee and cinnamon. It is lactose-friendly and delicious when made fresh out of the oven. I will probably post the recipe on Patreon next week.
At the Nebulas, I will be doing an autograph signing Sunday morning, from 10 AM to 10:30 PST, and a virtual panel at 1:30 PM PST on the works of Robin McKinley. McKinley is the grandmaster of the Nebulas this year; although she can't attend for health reasons, I for one plan to cherish and honor the impact that her books have had on my reading, writing and cooking experience. She also inspired me to experiment with baking, namely with the Death of Marat recipe from the novel Sunshine.
I will bring four copies of my latest book, Understudies, to sell at the table. Mind that I will not have a card reader, so you will have to Venmo me the price once I receive it if you don't have cash. I also brought my miniature watercolor notebook, so let me know if you want me to draw for you and sign it. If you can, bring your own books or any material to sign.
Alas, the free stuff that I was planning to bring didn't work according to plan. Next time I order bookmarks, it will be a month ahead of time instead of a week. (In my defense, I opted for that expedited shipping option and have never had an issue receiving the prints either.)
Things also didn't go according to plan this morning. The end result is I'm arriving a few hours later to Anaheim than anticipated, but have managed to rest on both legs. It's been a rough week, and this was the pinnacle.
Some friends reminded me of an important lesson: forgive myself. Mistakes do happen, especially when you are juggling plates. What we can do is try to fix things, and to keep moving.
It's unreal, knowing that I can sign books for people. While I dreamed of people coming to ask for an autograph, real life has been a little more anticlimactic. Readers have to know who you are and love your work to ask for that signature. Some people have come to WorldCon and asked me to sign anthologies where I have published. They were very kind. One girl asked me to sign her notebook. She is going to write many great things.
Links this week:

What I Plan to Do At the Nebulas - Priya J Sridhar
I haven’t written on a plane in ages. Doing this is fun! At least, it is when you have the space. They really like packing...

How Science Fiction and Fantasy Can Help Authors and Readers Fight Book Banning | by Priya Sridhar | May, 2023 | Interstellar Flight Magazine
Fahrenheit 451 and The Book Thief Teach the Power of Reading

The Family Fortuna Asks How We See The Past, And Performers | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | May, 2023 | Medium
I haven’t seen circus stories in forever. In fact, you aren’t likely to see a circus these days thanks to allegations of animal rights…