Decluttering The Space and Mind
I saw this Lost Cat sign Wednesday and took a photo of it. He's male, orange, and fluffy, having been missing for at least a month. Whoever owns this cat must love him a lot. I hope they find him. He looks like a sweet boy.
It's the end of Pride Month, and I admit I have been more openly rainbow this year than in previous years. Part of it is the sheer brazenness of some people I know, and who are filing cases with the Supreme Court. So I baked desserts with rainbow food coloring, and did more queer articles for Medium and SJP. My disaster bi series will continue through July. Because we do what we can to speak up, and words allow me to speak.
Personal Blog:

Digging Deeper - Priya J Sridhar
What are some ways to dig deep into memories for writing? Sometimes you have to decide your limits. Deep writing has a price sometimes.

Why Webcomic Artist Maelyn Dean Is Cool | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | Jun, 2023 | Medium
Happy birthday to a wonderful creator!
Animated Disaster Bi: 2023. Last year, I started a series of posts… | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | Jun, 2023 | Medium
Last year, I started a series of posts about Disaster Bis, animated characters who are canonically bisexual. It feels like a good time to…
Disaster Bis: Luz Noceda | Permanent Nerd Network
One of the best bi characters to enter magical girl fantasy.
School of Dragons is Leaving the Internet on June 30
Another games as a service casualty

A Potion for Chamomile is a Wholesome LGBTQ Fantasy
Heartfelt visual novel with LGBTQ themes
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