Priya's Pithy Speculation
February 26, 2025
Remaking out of the old. So. It’s been a few months. And it’s not like I didn’t write, more so that I didn’t know what to say on here. I couldn’t be...
Little Joys and Why We Fight
December 23, 2024
I meant to post this a month ago. But life got in the way. And it seems that my original paragraph was not saved here. So I will do my best to recreate it. A...
Floating Doors
November 7, 2024
Christmas and Halloween in an airport No self-promo links today, folks. It doesn’t feel appropriate. Sorry. I wasn’t going to write anything. Because, what...
Travels to Colder Nights
October 29, 2024
Hello all, Multiverse Con had a new hotel! In Atlanta, people gathered at the Hilton in Peachtree. It’s not as far from the airport even though it was quite...
Ups. And Downs
September 30, 2024
This month has had its ups. And its downs. I sent in edits for an anthology horror story around the theme of AIR for a diaspora anthology, SILK & SINEW. In...
Post-Con Thoughts
August 31, 2024
Glasgow has very efficient train systems. Once I understood the directions on how to get from Queens to Partick (NOT Patrick as I found out), it wasn’t too...
Two Months
August 5, 2024
My friend Bettina is great at cross-stitching. A few years ago, she made a beautiful homage to Steven Universe and Undertale, both fandoms we adore. This...
Remembering Small Steps
July 7, 2024
I was looking through my phone to find photos that would accompany this newsletter. This one is a month old, from when I was walking around Pasadena to get...
Pleasant Surprises
June 10, 2024
Copies of my series Powered at the Nebulas So May. It was… exciting. And brought a lot of curveballs. June was a new month, and I hoped the only surprises...
What We Have in Common with Horse Statues
May 22, 2024
When I was visiting a good friend in South Dakota last month, we went to Hill City. It had a dinosaur museum, some good chocolate, and this horse statue. If...
A Not-So Hostile Takeover: Eurovision by Laura Jane Diaz de Arce
April 24, 2024
For the past few weeks, I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what I could write about in this hostile takeover newsletter swap. I could take...
21 Years of A Working Oven
April 19, 2024
A sign of what would come. Our family oven has decided to give up the ghost. I realized something was wrong when it was taking a while to heat up dinner,...
Rise of the Woodpeckers
March 31, 2024
The woodpeckers are out in full force, a sign that spring has come. They may have a territorial battle with the green parrots, who have also laid claim to...
Changes and Editing News
March 17, 2024
Life is full of changes. The old veggie burger place ten minutes away is now a One Piece restaurant. I visited it today and bought a boba soda. (Really...
January and February 2024
February 26, 2024
I was looking for photos of my dad. He liked taking photographs before the age of digital camera, . This one came up, of him and my mom in the 80s. They were...
The End of 2023 and the Beginning of 2024
January 14, 2024
Around the time of the holidays, my family went on an evening stroll. These birds walk around at this time, easily startled. If you get close to one, they...
Thanksgiving, Nanowrimo and Bears, Oh My! Wait, Bears? (There are no bears, sorry)
December 12, 2023
Hello, everyone! I had my first taste of pork ramen over the weekend while visiting my sister and her baby. My stomach has taught me I'm not a pork fan. But...
A Quick Recap of The Start of November
November 21, 2023
Hey all, Well. This month has been eventful. National Novel Writing Month is in full swing, and I am behind with my hodgepodge project. My nephew Kaz is a...
Back From Multiverse Con, Into the Halloween Spirit
October 31, 2023
Hey all, I meant to post this last weekend while in Atlanta. As it was, my weekend was packed. I was going from panel to panel, and spending a lot of time in...
Change of Plans, New Nephew In the World
October 8, 2023
My nephew, Kashi Enrico Sridhar Mastronardi. Nickname is "Kaz". Hey all, I was originally going to post about the denim prints that I had bought on sale....
Changes With September Fluttering Away
October 1, 2023
Hello everyone, This month flew by fast. A few weeks ago, I was back in Miami. Then I flew to New York to visit my older sister and brother-in-law. Divya is...
Last Week of Summer
September 4, 2023
Hey all, So I'm back in Miami. We flew in on Saturday evening from California, making our flight on time with minimal traffic and security. My family spent...
Rain in August
August 22, 2023
Hey all: A lot has happened this month. This photo comes from a statue in the Westlake Village Inn, where my family had a weekend meal. We managed to get...
Donuts in July, Lots of Links, And An Acceptance, Oh My!
July 31, 2023
When we came to California, I was determined to try some local donuts. The documentary The Donut King described how refugees had bought up donut shops in...
Turning 32
July 8, 2023
It is past midnight in California. I have turned 32. My family is here on the West Coast for a few months. These cookies were not for my birthday, though; my...
Decluttering The Space and Mind
July 1, 2023
I saw this Lost Cat sign Wednesday and took a photo of it. He's male, orange, and fluffy, having been missing for at least a month. Whoever owns this cat...
Mangos on Father's Day
June 18, 2023
It's mango season. The crows, iguanas and squirrels love this time. When the mangoes fall to the ground, they try to head for them. My mom and siblings also...
From Tadpoles to Spiders and Film
June 3, 2023
Hello all: This week has been interesting. It's my second week in a new role, and the start of June. For some, that means that summer is starting and parents...
Back from the Nebulas! And Observations About Life
May 27, 2023
Hey all. I'm back from the Nebulas, and hoping to lurk in WisCon's events as an online guest to support some friends that are speaking on panels. The Nebulas...
Friday Landings! And A Weekend At the Nebulas
May 12, 2023
Hello everyone, Happy Friday! I'm sending this from a plane. This week, I made banana bread with ghee and cinnamon. It is lactose-friendly and delicious when...
First Post! And Nebula Prep
May 5, 2023
Hello everyone! It is nice to meet you all. Happy Friday! If you had told me a year ago that I would be adding a newsletter to my writing repertoire, I might...
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