PLNT LYFE: Curiosity Is The Uber-Skill
Curiosity Is The Uber-Skill
I have come to realize lately that I highly value curiosity. I see it as my superpower. And I’ve tried asking questions about it in interviews and other relevant situations lately. I gauge people based on how curious I believe they are (not in all scenarios, but certainly when it comes to a professional capacity).
In my mind, curiosity is the uber-skill.
As an example, coding is highly touted as the skill of the future. The skill that can pave the way to riches for those that pursue it. But the internet has made it so that any curious and driven individual can learn to code and build a portfolio. The problem is too many people believe it is something they can’t learn, they can’t do. We are surrounded by systems that discourage curiosity because it can’t be measured by standardized tests and systems, by algorithmic performance scales. Cogs shouldn't be curious.
Curiosity keeps us young. It keeps us growing. It can help us become interesting. It can lead us to seek new ways of doing things and new connections between ideas and processes. It can help us perform and live better.
Curiosity is a tool that can spark lifestyle and behavior change.
Curiosity isn’t something to be avoided or tamped down. It should be sought out, encouraged, and cultivated. With the internet, it is easier than ever before to indulge a rabbit hole of curiosity (in good and bad ways). Indulge your curiosity, see what you learn.
What are you curious about?
If you're looking for some ways to learn or indulge your curiosity, I collected a list of resources for work.
What Has Me Curious Right Now
Edible Landscaping and Permaculture
I love my garden boxes but I want to utilize more of my available land to grow edible plants (and more pollinator-friendly plants). We do have a couple plum trees (one is covered in blooms!) and plan to get some more fruit trees, but I would love to use edible plants in even more traditional landscaping scenarios.
I plan to plant some sunchokes and want to figure out how I can grow purslane and lamb's quarters. Sea kale could be an option.
If you have tips, resources, or experience you can share, let me know.
What I'm Making This Week
- Chickpea and Cabbage Slaw
- Mediterranean Chickpea Wraps
- Krautsalat
- Another Rustic Sourdough Loaf, this time with seeds
- More Granola!