The Taste of Summer
May 27, 2020
The Taste of Summer Tomatoes and summer have become synonymous for me. Which is weird since I don’t remember liking tomatoes growing up. Don’t get me wrong,...
Slow Down
May 10, 2020
Slow Down I missed last week because I was trying to do too many things at once. Which is a bit ironic because I intended to write about the need to slow...
Social Distancing With Sourdough
April 30, 2020
Social Distancing With Sourdough I don’t know if you’ve heard, but bread making is hot like Hansel right now. Lucky for me, I got in on the sourdough starter...
Just Run
April 21, 2020
Just Run I used to try to manage my run as I was running. Checking my watch. Staying at a target pace. (I have no idea what this pace was based on other than...
Things To Do While Quarantined
April 15, 2020
Things To Do While Quarantined Slow down Cook something that takes time Learn something new (I put together a handy resource list for work if you need some...
PLNT LYFE: Curiosity Is The Uber-Skill
April 8, 2020
Curiosity Is The Uber-Skill I have come to realize lately that I highly value curiosity. I see it as my superpower. And I’ve tried asking questions about it...
PLNT LYFE: Quarantine Quisine
April 1, 2020
Quarantine Quisine Quarantine is a time for experimentation. At least for me. The combination of time and limitations is an interesting one for creativity....
PLNT LYFE v7: Soulful Sundays
March 24, 2020
Soulful Sundays One day while on a run I started concocting a list of what, I thought, would make for a good Sunday. I quickly gave it the name “Soulful...
PLNT LYFE v6: Just Keep Picking Your Feet Up
March 18, 2020
Just Keep Picking Your Feet Up At some point in the Rich Roll Podcast episode with Tony Riddle, Tony mentions he just focuses on picking his feet back up. A...
PLNT LYFE v5: February in Running
March 11, 2020
February in Running Last month I ran a total of 36.8 miles across 10 runs, averaging (now stay with me on this math) 3.7 miles per run. My average pace for...
PLNT LYFE v4: Sowing Seeds
March 2, 2020
Spring is Coming The seeds have been purchased. They will soon be sown to start their journey of growth before being cast out into the harsh world of nature...
PLNT LYFE v3: Are Beans the OG Battery?
February 25, 2020
Bean As OG Battery? I am very interested in what the next battery breakthrough will be. Our lives are increasingly powered by batteries and they are a...
PLNT LYFE v2: Beyond Running
February 19, 2020
Beyond Running A sooner than expected update on the burger + running /= good things experiment. Last week I tried a beyond burger for the first time. And it...
PLNT LYFE v1: Barometric Running
February 10, 2020
Barometric Running I’ve been experimenting with a plant based/plant focused/plant heavy diet for a bit now. There are all kinds of interesting (in my...