You’re Still Here?
So, a bunch of you are getting this, but it really only applies to the almost-three dozen of you who signed up for the newsletter here on Substack over the past two months. I’m guessing most of you have found my monthly updates a little lacking so far? Perhaps we’d go as far as to say... non-existent?
Thing is, I basically moved the newsletter over to Buttondown about two months ago. All the same stuff from me, all the same for you, it’s just coming through a different provider. Sounds great, right?
I was so busy patting myself on the back for migrating everyone over there, I completely forgot there were some places out there still directing people to sign up here at Substack. If that was you, sorry.
If that wasn’t you... why are you still reading this? Go on, get out of here. Go!
Where were we...?
Anyway, yeah, so I’m pretty sure now I’ve migrated you last few subscribers over to Buttondown, and you should get the November newsletter in... well, mid-November. And maybe a quick announcement before that about an anthology release.
If you don’t get these things... it’s nothing personal, sorry. There’s always going to be a little bump or two somewhere during a move, sorry your subscription was it. You can sign up directly at Buttondown if you got left out. Apologies again.
Oh, and if for some reason you don’t want your email address shuffled to a new mailing list—absolutely no worries, I completely get why you might not like the idea of it—just give me a yell and I’ll make sure you’re left out. You can sign up on your own. Or not. Whatever you want.
Anyway, this is our final Substack broadcast. This account will self-destruct in ten seconds.
Good luck.