Mezzogiorno.Arts: November Dance Dates
Ciao a tutt*!
I'm still hosting the one-song dance parties on Zoom every Wednesday at 6pm Pacific time. It's been pretty fun, methinks, and maybe even a tad bit meaningful at times : ) Jump in to the virtual circle if and when you can! Dates are up for November (basically, we're on for every Wednesday except the one right before Thanksgiving). December dates will be added soon.
I've been putting reminders on the instagram page each week as well. I also try to post some dance and music inspiration in the stories there a few times a week as well.
As you may or may not know, I have been a dance performer and teacher of other styles for most of my life, but this is decidedly not a class. I'm a learner and social practitioner in southern Italian dance styles who is facilitating a space for anyone who wants to be there. No charge, no pressure, and only occasional basic movement breakdowns. It is pretty straightforward - we say hi, I play a song (a different one each week!), we dance, we grin at one another when we are done because we feel pretty swell, I put the name of the song on the chat, and we say bye until the following week.
Because this is an offering of what is essentially ephemeral community space, in the spirit of mutual aid that can come out of our time together each week, I have been choosing a place we can collectively donate each month (if you are able and if it feels meaningful). You can see past recipients on the website. For November and December, donations can go to the National Indian Child Welfare Association. With ICWA at great risk, this is a timely place to focus our attention. I believe it is vital for Italian-Americans to actively support native peoples in the Americas (and am happy to chat about why anytime). You can read more about the threat to ICWA here:
Thanks all. See you Wednesdays!

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