Hi friends!
Please jump in to a brief and hopefully joyous dance party this evening, Wednesday, July 27th at 6pm PST (here is a
time converter if you need one).
I woke up one morning last weekend, always a good start to a day, and knew it was the perfect time to get going with these. The plan is to meet up weekly and dance to a song. One of my favorite things to do is to pick a great tune and dance to it. That is best when done with pals, and even better when it's a pizzica or tammurriata or a tarantella, so that is the plan.
All the detail are here
And here is the zoom link to join
A heads up that the link may change each week, but I likely won't write you a reminder each week, so peep the website or IG for that.
This is not a class, it's a get together. If you would like to make a donation somewhere, this first month those of us who are able can give to
No More Deaths / No Más Muertes.

See you tonight!