Shiny things 9/
Ice Cream IS good for you as long as you can find the ONE.
All hail the god J Dilla - very cool interactive history of the groove and how J Dilla created subtle, beautiful chaos. via Questlove’s twitter.
Ice Cream is good for you and ”big nutrition” wants to keep it quiet. As conspiracies go, this one’s pretty creamy. via my own damn self.
NYTimes has an interesting longread about Merlin Sheldrake. His book ‘Entangled life’ set me on a mycorrhizal bonanza that has taken me to here and here and here, all captivating stories and new science that make me think about the world differently. Also can we talk about ‘Merlin Sheldrake’ as the most appropriate name for a mushroom wizard? I half expect a cameo in the next Ben Aaronovitch novel next to the half-Nigerian river nymph who manages the lower Thames (an actual character. Aaronvitch’s series is great fun)
A rare Op-Ed from one of the best journalists covering US - China relations via
“I used to dream of getting a car”. A leftist take on the Gig Worker ecosystem in India.
gig work compounds the insecurity and precarity of already-marginalized groups in India, particularly along caste, class, and citizenship status lines.
India or anywhere else, gig work platforms thrive because of their sharecropper / general store relationship with their workers. It’s not hidden, it is the business model. There are multiple examples of Bsci experiments at Uber and Lyft in the Voltage Effect.