Shiny things 8/
More tidbits from the junk drawer of the internet
Complexity modeling & Deep Ethnography come together to study offshore wealth management. This ticks almost all of my mega nerd pleasure centers. Paper, book.
Technical but approachable presentation on the state of GPT by Andrej Karpathyvia from MSFT BLD conference. Via Ben Evans
Flo Rida has locked down the elite bar mitzvah circuit. Also, Jennifer Lopez seems to have the plundering autocrat market cornered as well. There are wider themes in this story that make it worth reading, but I can’t help a zing. via Roxane Gay’s The Audacity
People seek out and build filter bubbles. To be honest this isn’t surprising to me. When you start with a human’s default confirmation bias & need for belonging, etc, then add optimization algorithms & literally endless supplies of media, it’s a doom loop that may define this era of humanity. We are all complicit. If there ever was a time for naïveté, it ended in 10 years ago. (also via Ben Evans)
We don’t understand lightning yet but it seems we can now apparently generate electricity from humid air (in a lab). Cue Singaporeans drooling with anticipation - Temasek should be all over these companies’ cap tables. We have too little of one andplenty of the other. Via Slashdot that has many more links.
Also speaking of lightning, a wtf lightning moment in 🇭🇰