Shiny things 47/ sand mafias and legislation for sleep

As always thanks for reading.
Sand Mafias are another example of short-term profit at the expense of the long-term survival of the species:

Sand Mafias
Organized crime is mining sand from rivers and coasts to feed demand worldwide, ruining ecosystems and communities. Can it be stopped?
Two articles on the Gut-Brain axis
this is fun: boring legislation as bedtime stories, via metafilter
I'm usually sceptical of survey data from China, but reliable or not, this article reveals some interesting views and preferences, via Jan Chipchase
This is a wonderful longread that captures some of my early experiences online.

Coming of Age at the Dawn of the Social Internet | The New Yorker
Online platforms allowed me to cultivate a freer version of myself. Then the digital world began to close off.
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