Shiny Things 46/ now on buttondown

I've decided to move off of substack. Their nazi problem is too much for me, and though I hope they sort their shit out, I don't see a reason to stick with them. This is a tiny newsletter with no monetization so all that's involved in this decision is my own opinions. I hope Hamish and team sort themselves out but things aren't looking promising.
This service is buttondown, which is also free. I appreciate all of you, feel free to share the love and grow the newsletter.
on to the links, now with even less commentary:

Scientists have a 20-minute "conversation" with a humpback whale •
In an unprecedented encounter, a research team successfully engaged in a "conversation" with a humpback whale named Twain.
Whales & Elephants, empowered with this kind of technology, might save the world. They know better, we should listen.

The evolution of schizophrenia | Pursuit by The University of Melbourne
University of Melbourne research finds that the genetic risks of schizophrenia may eventually evolve out of existence, but the environmental risk factors remain

It’s All Bullshit | JS Tan
The tech industry is supposed to be the cradle of innovation—but it’s become a redoubt of waste and unproductivity.
Speaking of bullshit, everyone's entry point should be David Graeber's book on the subject.
Shifting from bullshit to "full of shit", I appreciate this article dimly describing Human bodies as "bags and bags and bags of... stuff"