Shiny things 41/ Fake CVs still work?
is an AI-based product team a GAN?

Office of the Controller of the Currency hired a con artist. Not helpful for y’know, believing in government (and I WANT to believe in government). The DUIs should’ve shown up in a background check, no?
on the heels of the previously shared AI Product team, there’s an AI Drawing app that can turn your shitty mockup sketches into a functional game.
Aadhar, the world’s largest government digital identity system might be the most impressive gov’t initiative in my lifetime. It’s ethically, logistically and philosophically complex and I don’t pretend to understand all of the nuance but I know it is full of trade-offs.
Aadhaar is facing more and more challenges to maintain its privacy principles (example). Doesn’t matter where, Law Enforcement will always have reasons to demand access to digital identity systems because crime happens and solving crimes is hard. It’s also too easy to vilify the person / people resisting the requests. The pressure will never cease - do we expect these Identity Systems to resist pressure forever?
Tying themes together from the last few issues, India Private Credit funds sure look like another set of Barbarians at the gate (without paywall)
A beautiful and heartbreaking long read about OpenID and the quest to identify the lost from global migration (via Metafilter)
if that wasn’t fun enough, 56 terrible analogies. Apparently written by high school students, I’m guessing in the 1990s because the kind of list we used to email around in simpler times and Nancy Kerrigan hasn’t been in pop culture in 30 years.
My favorite:
She grew on him like she was a colony of E. coli and he was room-temperature Canadian beef.