Shiny things 19/ microfractures in microstructures
Uncertainties all the way down
Idea: Today’s internet rabbit-hole is this series of articles about Market Microstructures, one economist’s attempt to understand and define something cellular about markets & the economy. I think. Anyway, it’s interesting, I’m dumb, or both.
Book: Every Citizen a Statesman — An empathetic history of the Americans who in their own biased ways, did their best to create an educated, participatory democracy in America, and why they failed, over and over.
podcast: Sean Carroll’s podcast Mindscapes: especially his AMA episodes. I know he has the questions in advance but to listen to Dr Carroll pontificate on so many topics in one episode is awe inspiring. Also his url “preposterous universe dot com” is great.
Other shiny bits
Oppenheimer is ultimately vindicated — before you see the movie, this is a good read. if you get into it don’t forget American Prometheus, one of the best biographies ever written (recent article from NYTimes about Author Kai Bird is also good)
“How Eugenics shaped Statistics”. Every science continues to grapple with this issue — a lot of the early work is at a minimum wrongheaded and based in colonial bias. Often it is much much worse. Via Amy Webb