Shiny things 17/
Agile is not enough
Today in funky fungi:
Orchid seeds are so tiny they carry no food for a growing plant. To sprout, the seeds rely fully on fungi to provide them with nutrients. That’s how the petri dish sprouts can grow translucent white, non-photosynthetic leaves. No other plant fully relies on consuming fungi to survive.
this week in Autocra-tech: Russia’s Surveillance Supply chain
Loneliness is as damaging as 15 cigarettes a day, say real doctors.
I don’t have enough time / patience to follow the ongoing finance and economics narratives on twitter, so I read Kyla’s newsletter and listen to Oddlots.
Apparently right now we’re between a “vibes-cession” and a “wage-cession”. Is this what economics zeitgeist sounds like when gen X is now fully in charge?
Finally, some work stuff — Marty Cagan and his books are great fodder for business self-help, and he has a generally positive outlook on things. But this particularly grumpy presentation from him makes me smile. “Agile is not enough”.