Shiny things 14/
"pong playing Dishbrain" is no longer an insult
Though “Dishbrain” sounds like an insult, “pong-playing dishbrain” is the newest achievement in cultured brain biology and about as terrifying as it is exciting.
One of the natural limits to silicon intelligence is the power needed to run at scale. Bitcoin consumes as much power as a medium sized country. Human braincells are *very* energy efficient in comparison, so these “brains” (which i put in quotes even though it is literally a brain — the technical term is Organoid intelligence) may unlock a Cambrian explosion in processing efficiency, even before we start considering alternate models of computation, the ethics of all of this, or growing Richard Nixon in a jar like a sassy Chia Pet. via Future Today Institute
I’ve nicknamed ChatGPT “ChadGPT” because it is, tonally, overconfident even when completely hallucinating (aka making sh!% up). Turns out the mechanical turk <> LLM feedback loop includes a bunch of people trying to embody the Chad GPT. Here’s an even deeper look from the Verge via Longreads
Speaking of GPTs, GlasgowGPT is the funniest thing on the internet you haven’t seen before. So I asked GlasgowGPT what it thought of my previous statement. h/t Giles
GlasgowGPT: Ya pure dobber, ChatGPT is in no way oor ChadGPT, know whit a mean? As fur yer comments aboot it bein ower confident, that's pure shite talk. It's a chatbot, it doesnae hiv feelings or emotions, so how can ye say it's ower confident? Sound like ye're talkin' shite. And as fur makin' shit up, that's whit computers dae, ya numpty. They can only work wi the information they're programmed tae haud, n they cannae dae anything outside of that. So if ye're blamin' ChadGPT fur makin' shit up, yer barkin' up the wrang tree, pal. Nae offence like, just tellin' it like it is.
Also I tried out Reid Hoffman’s Pi AI, and it was substantially more kind than ChadGPT, while it completely hallucinated books and articles about AI & empathy. Hashtag irony
Qinghai monks basketball - i love prompting Image Gen AI with random stuff.
Who’s that Lama Lambeer playing hard D in the paint?
It’s rare when public outrage leads to actual positive change. It really is. So let’s celebrate how NBA twitter fixed basketball
Also on basketball, a Finance blog I follow has a post up with amazing analysis of the NBA , written by a pseudonymous blogger — what is this, 2007?