shiny things 10/
What if the Aliens discover the Guinness book of world records?
UFOs are back in the zeitgeist, and one of my favorite internet junk drawers the Public Domain Review has Edo period reports of flying saucers. LOVE IT ALL
Musician and fiercely independent artist Nick Cave has a long running advice column on his website. Apparently i’m late to this. via metafilter.
One writer’s exploration of the human need to be recorded in history, even if that can only be as a bizarre footnote: ‘most bowling-balls balanced or ‘most spoons balanced on the human body.’ Long live the Guinness Book of Records. via twitter
Libraries, and librarians, are cool. We have librarians too thank for the entire modern history of databases and organizing information for discovery and retrieval. Here’s the story of SUPARS, one of the world's first attempts for search.
SUPARS prefigured web search by giving users the ability to search free text directly in the documents themselves"