Magpie 56/ I love bluey, I hate cocomelon

I love Bluey, I Hate Cocomelon - Bluey is truly, truly excellent. I want to watch it more than my kids do.
Whether you want to think Cocomelon is a designed kind of baby addiction, Bluey is art. I'll die on that hill. This article asks: what's the state of culture in an ecosystem that prioritizes and rewards distraction & addiction? (Via Alex Miller).
What're the odds Michael Mann got bored of being an auteur and got in the action? This has his heat signature all over it. "the perfect LA Heist"
The unrelenting Shame of the Dentist (Atlantic Gift link - let me know if it doesn't work).
Book recommendations:
To rise again at a decent hour. An unhinged and hilarious look inside the mind of a self-loathing dentist.(fiction) I think I've shared this one before but with the above dentist link I share again.
The bad-ass librarians of Timbuktu. The most accurately titled book I've read in a while.
When Asia was the world: Traveling Merchants, Scholars, Warriors, and Monks Who Created the Riches of the East. A fascinating history of the few hundred years that most western historians gloss over between Rome and the Crusades.