LWKD: Week Ending January 12, 2025
Week Ending January 12, 2025
Developer News
Dims has requested that all SIGs review their Alpha and Beta features for ones that are "stuck" and need to advance or be removed.
The Kubernetes Github account now has access to a few new Github Issue features; sub-issues and advanced search seem particularly useful for us.
Maintainer Track submissions for Kubecon China are now open. The main track CfPs for India and Japan are also open.
Release Schedule
Next Deadline: Production Readiness Freeze, February 6
The full Release Schedule is being finalized by Release Lead Nina Polshakova. Major dates are: PRR Freeze, Feb 6; Enhancements Freeze, Feb 13; Code Freeze, March 6; release April 16th.
The January Patch Releases have been delayed until next week.
Featured PRs
129543: DRA API: bump maximum size of ReservedFor to 256
This PR increases the maximum size of the ReservedFor
field in the DRA API from
32 to 256 to accommodate larger workloads, such as those involving shared non-local
resources like interconnect channels. This change addresses use cases like NVIDIA GB200
and Google TPU, where a higher limit is necessary for workloads spanning multiple nodes.
Warning: downgrades to Kubernetes 1.32
may be impacted if ResourceClaims
exceed 256.
Other Merges
- kubelet to use env vars in node log query PS command
- Fix for image not being pulled if there are errors with sandbox image from CRI
- Fix for CRD status subresource ratcheting
- Extracted and unify cache bypass logic by creating a CacheProxy struct
- Improve topologyToMatchedTermCount map in InterPodAffinity PreFilter
- kube-proxy to periodically sync and rewrite iptables rule every one hour
- Added introduced and removed version information in etcd fixtures
- Upgraded Kubernetes contributor website to Docsy 0.5.1
- EtcdLearnerMode feature gate removed, after it graduated to GA in v1.32
- Use of deprecated functions in k8s.io/utils/pointer and k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets removed
- Deprecate nodefeature for feature labels
Version Updates
- coredns to 1.12.0
Subprojects and Dependency Updates
- Kubernetes-Python v32.0 released
- Big shoutout to Sayak Mukhopadhyay for pushing through the long-overdue upgrade of Hugo/Docsy on for the contributor site
- bentheelder: Thank you to Danilo Gemoli for tracking down multiple longstanding issues affecting Prow