Too Much Pork For Just One Fork
The Brainfart Chronicles
Updates & Random Thoughts
- D&D review continues on the game blog, but I think the end is finally in sight.
- DieCon was a couple of weeks ago, which meant I got to test out the changes to the Cinemechanix rules as well as a couple of the games I'll be running at cons this year. The good news is that the rules changes worked well and people seemed to grasp them more easily then the previous versions. Leighton and I also discussed some things about the game that will help the rewrite go more smoothly. The bad news is that Assault on Dungeon 13 as written is broken. The players had fun, but there were way too many monsters in the dungeon and the adventurers only made it like 4 squares in because the Earth Elemental just stood there and blocked them. I'll need to do some tweaking before GenCon. The best news is that the proof of concept game for DinerPunk was a success and I've got a much firmer grasp of how to make it work now. I need to buy some Hot Wheels cars before GenCon, though.
- After DieCon, Leighton and went to the Bandana's down the street for some barbeque. While we were there, Leighton had an idea for the next Branfart Press book: A guide to made-up barbeque joints. We decided to write it in one week, which we've done successfully. We're making good progress on editing and adding finishing touches, and the current plan is to finish layout next weekend and release it on or around July 4th. We haven't settled on a title yet, so we should probably do that, as well.
- I also ordered some grab bags of random game pieces from GameCrafter. I'm going to see what kind of game I can make out of them, possibly as my next Patreon game.
- Friday after work I watched Captured Ghosts, the Warren Ellis (the writer, not the guy from Nick Cave's band) documentary, which is now available on YouTube. It's probably not very interesting to anyone who isn't an Ellis fan, but if you like his work it's worth checking out.
- I also started watching The Expanse because a lot of people have told me how great it is. So far, I'm not sure I agree. I like the world they're setting up and I'm pretty sure Thomas Jane is basing his performance on Tom Waits, but most of the characters are just so boring. They're like really two-dimensional RPG characters moving from one mission to the next without any real distinctive personalities or connections to the world and each other. I'm told it gets better, so I guess I'll give it a few more episodes.
- Every Friday I leave my shitty job convinced that I'm going to get a lot done over the weekend. Sometimes I do, but I've got so many projects going that it never feels like enough. I think I need a 90-day weekend to catch up.
Word of the Week
Brainfart Press will eventually release a dictionary of words nobody particularly needs to know, tentatively titled (with apologies to Ambrose Bierce) "The Dumbass Dictionary." Here's one of those words:Haint Blue:
A shade of blue paint used on porches, ceilings, and window or door frames. The color protects the house from ghosts and spirits, who mistake the blue for water, which they are unable to cross.
©2024, Steve Johnson
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