Mostly Just Short Reviews
The Brainfart Chronicles
Updates & Random Thoughts
- First off, if you're not already supporting me on Patreon, now's the best time to do it. If you join by July 7, you'll get some free stuff.
- I've gotten started on The Six Gun Seven and Guardians of Aetheria, one of which will be the first Cinemechanix release. So far I haven't gotten a lot of momentum on either one, but at least it's a start.
- I recently finished Infinite Detail by Tim Maughan (from the Warren Ellis book club). I read about the first third in an afternoon, but it down for about a week, read little bits and pieces, and finally finished it off over the last couple of weekends. That reading schedule was in part because the book is a very William Gibsony kind of thing where the author introduces some neat idea and the proceeds to do almost nothing with them. Overall, I had the same opinion as I've had of most Gibson books I've read: It's not bad, just a disappointing waste of potential.
- Currently reading Sailor and Lula: The Complete Novels and not I want to see Wild at Heart again.
- Season 3 of Jessica Jones is good, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the first two seasons. Like a lot of the Marvel Netflix series, it felt like there was a lot of padding out of the runtime.
- Several years ago, I heard about a movie called The Whole Wide World, which stars Vincent D'Onofrio as Robert E. Howard. At some point I found a copy online and downloaded it, but never got around to watching it until a few days ago. It's basically a love story (it's based on a book written by the only known girlfriend Howard ever had, played by Renee Zellweger in the movie), but it also works as a (very broad strokes) biopic, D'Onofrio is just a rasslin' match or two short of the kind of crazy I've always pictured Howard being, and there are some fun bits of weirdness (like the battle sounds that play at certain points when Conan comes up). I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone, but it's an interesting curiosity for Howard fans.
- I thoroughly enjoyed The Dead Don't Die. While it is more accessible to mainstream audiences than most of Jarmusch's movies, it's not nearly as mainstream as the trailer makes it seem. If you're going in looking for Zombieland, you'll probably be disappointed. If you want an almost anti-action movie action movie with quirky humor and weird characters, you're in for a treat.
- Watched Into the Spider-Verse last night and I really regret not seeing it on a big screen. I do recommend watching it if you haven't already.
Word of the Week
Sure as a One-Legged Duck Swims in a Circle...
Phrase used to introduce an action or reaction that is expected, predictable, and usually self-defeating. Used to suggest that these actions are all-but inevitable because we are prisoners to our nature who can never break out of established behavioral patterns. Popularized by The Balladeer on “The Dukes of Hazzard.”
Brainfart Press will eventually release a dictionary of words nobody particularly needs to know, tentatively titled (with apologies to Ambrose Bierce) "The Dumbass Dictionary." Here's one of those words:
©2024, Steve Johnson
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