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The Brainfart Chronicles
Updates & Random Thoughts
- I'm a week late, in part because not much is happening that's worth reporting. Right now, I'm reading a lot of stuff about game design and theory. Cinemechanix has turned into a a constantly mutating thing as I change rules, change my mind about them, and change them back. So while I'm still developing ideas/changes, on the blog, I'm temporarily holding off on trying to rewrite the rules set. There are things I want the system to do, but I'm trying to figure out why I want it to do them in hopes of finding the best way to go about it. I'm also looking and things other people have done, since I've basically ignored other games for most of the current century. The plan right now is to come up with a plan.
- Last week I watched Russian Doll, which is kind of like Happy Death Day: The Series, but with Natasha Leyonne and co-created by Amy Poehler. I recommend it, but it should be noted that I believe every show could be improved by adding Natasha Leyonne, so I may be biased.
- And speaking of Happy Death Day, I do plan to go see the sequel to Stabby Groundhog Day. The first one was fun, and I want to see what kind of Final Destination-type rules-changing they do to make the sequel work.
- Currently watching season 3 of The Expanse and still feel like it would be a great show if the characters clicked a little better.
- I never saw Split, so I watched it last week and then saw Glass. I enjoyed them, but I'm not sure Unbreakable needed to be the first chapter in a trilogy.
- Finally got around to reading Warren Ellis's Normal, which is a locked room murder mystery that takes place at a loony bin for futurists. It's really short (about 150 pages) and kind of comes across as a condensed version or outline, like Ellis had a basic concept but didn't want to waste time writing the whole novel. It's still a good read, but if you want to test-drive Ellis's non-comic work without committing to a full novel, I'd recommend starting with Dead Pig Collector instead. If you're willing to read a whole novel, start with Crooked Little Vein.
Word of the Week
An inhabitant of an early African civilization located along the banks of the Nile River.
Brainfart Press will eventually release a dictionary of words nobody particularly needs to know, tentatively titled (with apologies to Ambrose Bierce) "The Dumbass Dictionary." Here's one of those words:
©2024, Steve Johnson
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