Con Reports and Stuff
The Brainfart Chronicles
Updates & Random Thoughts
- Last weekend was OMGCon and the weekend before that was DieCon, so I've been travelling the last two Sundays (and preparing for cons the one before that), which is why there's been no newsletter.
- I didn't get as much Cinemechanix playtesting at the con as I'd hoped, but there was enough to expose a few flaws (mainly things that didn't quite work in the combat system). The big picture stuff seemed to work, though, so hopefully it's just a matter of tweaking.
- At DieCon, I think we figured out how to make Guardians of Aetheria work, thanks mostly to Jeffrey Johnson's determination to make Leighton and me understand what the hell he was talking about.
- Unsurprisingly, James Brown Celebrity Hot Tub Time Machine proved to be a hit at both cons.
- The initial proof-of-concept game for City of 10,000 Daggers at DieCon was also a success. I started working on the setting purely to scratch the fantasy itch with no intention of publishing it because we long-ago decided that the market for fantasy game was over-saturated. After some discussion with Leighton, that might not be the case anymore. It's still very much a back-burner project, but I might do something with it besides just posting bits and pieces on Patreon.
- I unintentionally read the intentionally shitty fantasy novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo a few years ago Friday night and it turns out it might be salvageable with less complete re-writing than I thought. I've asked Leighton to give it a look and might try to whip it into something Brainfart-publishable when I get time.
- The Deadwood movie is spectacular. If you watched the series, watch it now. If you didn't watch the series, watch the series and then watch the movie.
- I was worried that being such a big fan of the book would keep me from enjoying the Amazon adaptation of Good Omens. I was wrong. It was thoroughly enjoyable and I highly recommend it.
- I had absolutely no interest in a Men In Black reboot until they decided to make a Men In Black reboot with Thor and Tessa Thompson (who are both just the best). I just saw the movie yesterday and it was enjoyable, but not nearly as good as I was hoping for. The plot is thin even for a Men In Black movie and the scenes where the two leads are just playing off of one another and being awesome always seemed to end sooner than I wanted them to only to be replaced by either aliens and fx or plot points I really didn't care about. I recommend it, but keep your expectations in the MIB sequel range rather than hoping for them to recapture the joy of original.
Word of the Week
Brainfart Press will eventually release a dictionary of words nobody particularly needs to know, tentatively titled (with apologies to Ambrose Bierce) "The Dumbass Dictionary." Here's one of those words:
The retroactive assertion that a piece of work exhibits diversity or progressive values not present anywhere in the text. Popularized by JK Rowling.
©2024, Steve Johnson
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