Kieron Gillen's Wordmail
069: a genre which left such deep roots and/or scars
May 31, 2018
Hullo. I'm writing this in a local coffee-shop drinking lemonade because I am such a rebel. Everyone is very impressed. Contents! Vegas Fairford Books &...
068: when is June?
May 23, 2018
Hullo. I like to think that every piece of writing poses a fundamental question that needs to be answered. This newsletter is an exploration of the question...
067: in the land of the feline elves, she was a hobbit.
May 17, 2018
Hullo. Today is very much the sort of day when I'm reminded of a bleak truth. I have a career not because of how I write when I want to write, but how you...
066: glycemic blitzkreig is my Waterloo
May 9, 2018
Hullo. Now, when I only sent the last one on Friday, do I skip a week, when I don't really have anything new to plug? Of course not, as I am driven by love,...
065: Dicey Moral Dilemmas
May 4, 2018
Hullo. Today's main thing has been watching the sort of memeic shuffle between people who still really like May The 4th as a thing, and people who are bored...
064: a little secretly-ironic arrogance
April 25, 2018
Hullo. How are you? I'm thinking about lines between the mid-period Clash singles, Marc Bolan and Destiny's Child's Lose My Breath. Because I remain me....
063: a graphic (and graphic) memoir
April 18, 2018
Hullo. Warren linked to me last time, which has led to a bunch of new followers. I can only presume it is an act of homage to my might. The Omelette Wars are...
062: milk.
April 11, 2018
Hullo. No comics out today, so no real need to write, except for the fact I need to give my subconscious some space to chew over how a fight scene is going...
060: kaffeeklatsch
April 5, 2018
Hullo. Mum update: she hasn't got the last newsletter, so presumably has been eaten alive by the spam-filter or she hasn't approved it, which means we're...
059: a half-harmonized scream
March 21, 2018
Hullo. Since last time, I told my mum that I had a mailing list and now she's signed up so expect less swearing from now on. Contents! Not Losing My Wedge...
058: my hell is now empty.
March 7, 2018
Hullo. Today's work has been entirely derailed, because as well as having three comics out (and my work-process always gets a bit off when there's a lot of...
057: Kafka, Stalin, Orwell, Huxley, Sartre and the Marx Brothers
March 1, 2018
Hullo. As a gift to my British readers, I arranged for no comics by me to come out this week, which means there's no need to go outside and deal with the...
056: Doing The Columbo
February 21, 2018
Hullo. Put it like this: if your favourite bodily fluid is phlegm, have I got the newsletter for you. Contents! Invasion Nooooooo Yessssssss Whaaatttt?...
055: Big Beardy Alan Moore
February 7, 2018
Hullo. I suspect this will be a curt one, and mainly about the work, as I have to write a synopsis before I go off to a Black Panther showing. Yes, this is...
054: pan-geek alliance
February 1, 2018
Hullo. I'm feeling Schroedinger's sick at the moment. C has been ill for the best part of two weeks. I finally caught a taste of it on Monday, but after a...
053: I over-use the word Katamari.
January 26, 2018
Hullo. Probably a quick one this week. I mainly just want to show off Jamie and Matt's prettiness. But it is Extreme Prettiness. Contents! The Pretties. The...
052: it's not about Ludo
January 17, 2018
Hullo. I have no idea why I'm tired. I mean, I went to bed late, and woke up early, but, wait, yeah, that'll be it. Contents! Warsy Ludocraty Gamey Linksy...
051: We Live In The Shadow Of A Book Avalanche
January 11, 2018
Hullo. I am confined to this chair due to hurting my back. I can only provide words. Here they are. Here are the words, which I am, and nothing else. Hmm....
050: : like some kind of Timberlakian Aslan
January 4, 2018
Hullo. It's 2018. We survived 2017. We can survive 2018. We'll find out whether that's true or not as we progress, but it's best to go into these things with...
049: I love maps.
December 13, 2017
Hullo. I forgot to write an intro, so will have to just fill something in. Er... I got re-obsessed with Purity Ring's Fineshrine yesterday? Will that fill...
048: whether to go Full Watchmen
December 7, 2017
Hullo. Just about to go off into town to toast Ram and Ryan, who both had their first Image books released. VOID TRIP and PARADISO had an advert in the last...
047: Grouper mating involving the sharks
November 22, 2017
Hullo. A relatively quick one this month, but with actual new art in, so as long as one picture = one thousand words holds true, we should be fine. Contents!...
046: The Coming, Seeing, Conquering?
November 15, 2017
Hullo. Hmm. Let's keep this hyper short. I still want to write some of the prose sections for WicDiv 1923 that I've been avoiding, as I'm scared. People say...
045: It wars the Empire.
November 9, 2017
Hullo. I'm in celebratory mood, so I'm celebrating by doing a newsletter. I really don't think these things through at all. Contents! Star Wars! Life is...
044: International Consumerist Leviathans.
November 2, 2017
Hullo. A quick one this week. I'm running off to get a medical check-up (in order to continue my mission of Not Dying) followed by going to the pub (in order...
043: “It's a Witch.” “Thank you, Janet.” “Kill it."
October 27, 2017
Hullo. With any luck, next week will be a big download of what this month has been about. Are you aware of the old 1980s videogame Elite. Not any of its...
042: Jamie had a lizard-brain
October 11, 2017
Hullo. You may be wondering why I've had a few weeks off. Because I'm lazy, chum. I'm very, very lazy. I wish that was true. I was plotting in my sleep last...
041: I deserve a Magnum Double Caramel
September 21, 2017
Hullo. I was kind of hoping to do a round up of new and awesome work coming out at Thought Bubble this weekend. Except I totally didn't. Man! Let's put a...
040: at the bottom of a mountain covered in buses and starting a bus-avalanche
September 13, 2017
Hullo. I didn't mention it last time, but I was writing that when I was on an honest-to-god holiday. I managed to do... no work? It's not true. But I didn't...
039: you can’t do anything before you have a Frodo.
September 6, 2017
Hullo. This has been quite the week, but as it's still in process, I'll save it for next time. This time, I'll lean just the facts. Well, just the facts,...
037: the Russian doll model of comics writing.
August 23, 2017
Hullo. This is mostly a FACTS one, because I realise that as I have an hour left in the working day it may be possible to get four (count 'em!) scripts off...
037: a kind of glowy black
August 16, 2017
Hullo. Don't worry. I've got no comics out this week, so I won't be trying to make you spend any coins. Keep your coins. Save them. Get enough and you can...
036: Smart But Not As Smart As You Hope You Are
August 9, 2017
Hullo. I still need to finish off Star Wars 39 today, so this will be more of a Just The Facts one than usual... except I actually wrote a short essay during...
035: write your own happy ending
August 2, 2017
Hullo. Some days you want to sit down and write of your odd addiction to Glow, or your problems with Ready Player One on a philosophical level, or just wax...
034: he should beat me up with his fists
July 26, 2017
Hullo. Wednesday's child is full of woe. Wednesday's newsletter is full of typos. Wednesday's writer is full of tea and cornflake cluster bites, oh god, he's...
033: what games journalists were like while hungover
July 12, 2017
Hullo. I've managed to write my pages for today in the morning, and it's only 3pm, and if I get this done quickly, I think I can finish this and get some...
032: be careful with unleashing your pithy aphorisms
July 5, 2017
Hullo. Hmm. The sort of week that was so busy that I didn't get anything done. Sometimes you spin the plates, and sometimes the plates spin you. Let's write...
031: the phrase “mucustard”
June 28, 2017
Hullo. It's been quite a selection of weeks. My rhythm for these things has been thrown off due to a variety of things – frankly, there's been some...
030: I'm sorry for your pain.
June 7, 2017
Hullo. Today I am feeling happier, fitter, more productive. I am writing this in a coffee shop and I am ignoring the blueberry crumble that is making eyes at...
029: (Wow. What a lot of parentheticals.)
May 31, 2017
Hullo. I got a new router this week, and it is basically the greatest thing. The hyperplague that has infected my body (aka A Mild Cold) has rendered me...
028: don't worry, it's not that, serious, etc.
May 24, 2017
Hullo. A quick one this week, as I'm under the weather. Don't have too much sympathy for me. It's just a standard low-level cold. I'm working at about 80%,...
027: that dimension is inside my chest.
May 17, 2017
Hullo. Contents! When In Rome, Do Romans A Bunch Of Fuckwits Don't Hate the Player, Hate The Games Master. Byeeeeeeeeeee! **** After months of anticipation,...
026: an ominous meat-ball.
May 10, 2017
Hullo. I would like to make it clear that I married an Italian for reasons other than her ability to cook pasta sauces, but if this newsletter is suddenly...
025: We Came. We Saw. We Command & Conquered.
May 3, 2017
Hullo. Oddly big week, for a bunch of reasons. That you're not getting a joke first line probably says that. Details of it some herein. Contents! We Came. We...
024: A guillotine rather than a rack
April 20, 2017
Hullo. The Windy City is Mighty Windy that's why they call it The Windy City, you fool, stop wasting my time, just get away from me, you make me sick....
023: genre on fire
April 12, 2017
Hullo. This week I don't need anyone tweeting at me to remind me if I have books out. I need people tweeting at me to remind people of all the books I have...
022: Gynty The Roo
April 5, 2017
Hullo. I'm in the sort of work place where I need someone tweeting at me that I have a comic out this week to realise I have a comic out this week. Contents!...
021: the feeling is bittersweet and vertiginous
March 31, 2017
Hullo. A skip week after 20 weekly newsletters seems pretty good to me. But I am famously lazy, so what would I know, eh? Contents! Boston Purgatory Call me...
020: the aim is always to do Hyperballad on paper
March 16, 2017
Hullo. This one is going to be very quick, as I'm about to run off to the London Book Fair, and if I do it when I get home, the kickstarter I want to talk...
019: get to Mount Doom and win.
March 8, 2017
Hullo. I'm thinking of the sequencing of these things. I normally start with “this is important relevant work stuff” which is on one hand, what this is for...
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