Call for March Q&A Questions
What's on your mind?
You can listen to an audio version of this newsletter above. Please note that this is unedited and I’m recording in my home office, so you may hear some meows, raindrops, or traffic in the background.
Since this is the first month of tending, I wanted to celebrate by offering a Q&A for all subscribers.
There are four perks to being a paid subscriber of tending:
Monthly Q&A
Monthly co-working session
10% off Productivity Coaching packages
Subscriber-only posts
Co-working is reserved for paid subscribers this month. If that’s you, I’ll send you a separate post with the Zoom link shortly.
If you’re interested in supporting me and receiving extra perks, consider upgrading to a paid subscription for $5/month or $50/year.
March Q&A
I’ll collect questions from now through Friday March 24th. I’ll answer as many as I can in a post (with an audio recording) on March 31st.
There are two ways to submit questions for the March Q&A:
Share your questions as a comment on this post. Unless you tell me otherwise, I’ll mention your name in my answer: “This question comes from Kate.”
Email me them directly to Let me know in the email if I can use your first name or if you’d prefer to remain anonymous: “This question is from anonymous.”
Here are some things you might want to ask me about:
Productivity, time management, habit formation, focus, etc.
Slow living and slow productivity
My experience writing a weekly blog for 2 years
Writing in general
Grad school
Academia in general
My alt-ac path to starting a business post-PhD
My experience with chronic illness
Books! Podcasts! Articles!
My favorites or my recommendations
Surprise me!
Looking forward to reading your questions!
March’s co-working session will be held Friday March 24th from 1pm-4pm EDT.
My paid subscribers live all over the world, so I’ll experiment with different timing in the future to try to accommodate as many folks as possible.
Here is how co-working will go:
I will send an email to paid subscribers today and again next week with the Zoom link.
At 1pm EDT on Friday the 24th, we’ll take a few minutes to say hello and introduce ourselves via audio or in the chat (your camera can be on or off). We’ll share what we plan to work on and then work silently until 2pm, when we’ll report back how things went and share what we plan to do during the next hour. Then we repeat until 3pm and again until 4pm when we say goodbye.
A few rules for co-working:
Everyone must mute their audio during working times.
You can have your camera on or off and either option is perfectly okay. I will leave mine on.
You can work on whatever you like during co-working: writing, grading, planning, cooking, cleaning out the drawer you’ve been meaning to tidy for months, building a website, doing a yoga Youtube class, etc. The point of co-working is to feel motivated working alongside other folks.
It’s okay to arrive late or leave early. If you arrive late, I’ll send you a private message to welcome you and ask what you’re hoping to work on during the remainder of the hour.
I reserve the right to remove anyone from the Zoom call who is being disruptive or harmful. I’ve never had to do this during co-working, but I did want to mention it so folks knew I took this space seriously.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
Take care and talk soon,
Dr. Kate