We Are Five Days From Launch!

Hey, friends! I'm here with what's been going on with Kalpar this week. And as the title suggested, we are a mere five days away from the official launch date of Silas & Bundersnoot. And what's more exciting, this week I got a report from my publisher that there have already been sixteen preorders!

Just wow, a big thank you to you amazing people who have already bought copies of my book. If you love it please leave reviews either on Goodreads or Amazon or Google Books or wherever you get your books from. With an independent author like myself reviews are vital to helping increase visibility and I would love to be able to bring more books to y'all.
Speaking of, the second Silas & Bundersnoot book is still at the editor but she should be getting back to me sometime this week. In the meantime I've been working on another collection of short stories and I've currently got six stories written. However, as a number six displeases me, would y'all like seven stories instead? Reply to this email and let me know if you're happy with six or would like seven. I genuinely want to know.
Book Launch Party!

The amazing staff at the Cincy Book Rack have agreed to host my book launch party on Saturday, March 23rd at 4PM. The Book Rack is located at 8315 Beechmont Ave Ste 23 Cincinnati, Ohio 45255. I've gotten a friend to agree to read aloud from my book, I've got another friend bringing cake, I'll have a hat, all good things. If you're free, please come visit me and have some cake and tell me nice things about my book.
Oh, I'm on Tumblr Now
I'm trying to get better at this social media thing, although not with much success. I can't decide on a Twitter replacement and I don't want to use the Twitter because of all the Nazzies. In the meantime, I've set up a Tumblr account and boy...the shipping...the shipping is intense. Anyway, if you'd like to follow me you can find my page here: https://www.tumblr.com/thekalpar
Familiar of the Week
Unfortunately, we are currently out of familiars so we haven't got one for everyone today. But, if you would like Bundersnoot to review your familiar, please send a picture and a short description to familiars@thekalpar.com
Your friend, in books and trains,