Kickstarters and Events
We are officially one week away from the launch of my Kickstarter and the scammers are already in my inbox. If you follow my Facebook and see any weirder-than-average people comment don’t engage with them, I will be blocking them as soon as possible. (Literally had a scammer Facebook profile message me and their employment was “Blacklisted Kickstarter Creators”. You even trying, brah?)
My Kickstarter
Across Amastica: A Silas & Bundersnoot Adventure will be going live next Sunday July 7th. If you haven’t put my project on your watchlist, be sure to do so soon. want a vinyl sticker and enamel pin of Bundersnoot? I’ve got ‘em. You want a new, exciting book twice as long as the first one? I’ve got that too. The Kickstarter will be the only place you can get a copy of Across Amastica before its official release in October of this year.
Other People’s Kickstarter
Listen, I know my audience. I know that a lot of you are nerdy queer folx. That just comes with the territory. Some of you may be familiar with Leanna Renee Hieber, a fellow author and steampunk presenter I’ve had the pleasure of crossing paths with at multiple steampunk conventions.
Leanna is currently on the cast for a queer, Jazz Age comedy romp titled Let’s Misbehave and I have a feeling that specific collection of adjectives is appealing to multiple people on my mailing list. Their Kickstarter is going on right now to bring this play to the stage and they’re 58% of the way to their goal. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, be sure to check out their Kickstarter link. Festival

I will be at the 3rd Annual Author Festival hosted by the Cincy Book Rack on Saturday, July 20th. We will have copies of Silas & Bundersnoot as well as early access to pins and stickers. Plus there are a bunch of other great authors, including quite a few horror authors. Be sure to stop by!
Rate My Familiar
Nobody sent me pet pics so there is no familiar this week to rate. Send pictures and short descriptions to
Your friend in books and trains
— Kalpar