The Furred Menace
Hello, everyone! I was traveling to see family today so your update is a little late. But the important thing is that you get your pet pictures!
Rate My Familiar
Happy Sunday! This week's familiar is submitted by me, Kalpar, with my sister-in-law's corgi, Tucker.
Tucker is a dog who has been grievously mislead as to the natural order of the world! Tucker seems to think he has been appointed Lord of all Creation and it is his job to boss everyone around! Tucker will bark constantly until humans and cats are where he thinks they should be. Then, if anyone moves from their appointed spot he barks at them again! Furthermore, Tucker has approximately 800 toys and refuses to share any of them! The only benefit I can find with this canine tyrant is his inability to climb. A grudging 4/10.

If you'd like to have Bundersnoot rate your familiar, send a picture and a short description to
Miscellaneous Updates
I've been working on edits for the next Silas & Bundersnoot adventure. I've got it about 85% finished, but the final 15% needs some serious revisions and I've had a lot of personal stuff come up. I did manage to write about 1000 words yesterday, so progress is happening. Hopefully before the end of April I'll be able to send it back to Isabella for more edits. But we're looking at probably a summer Kickstarter so watch this space for future updates.
Book Launch Party
As promised, here are the pictures from the Book Launch Party. It was a resounding success and cake was enjoyed by all.

Your friend in books and trains,
-- Kalpar