Save the Date(s)! (Also there's a kitty!)
Hello, friends, just a semi-regular reminder of all the things which are coming up in the Kalpar world, the next few months are going to be busy for sure. I wanted to send out an email to let everyone know so you can mark your calendars and get ready.
October 22nd - Across Amastica Releases!

We are officially one month away from the sequel to Silas & Bundersnoot being released for general distribution. If you’d like to pre-order you can do so wherever books are sold! (Although I recommend
1 November - Ephemera Kickstarter

The manuscript for my next book, Ephemera, has been completed and needs editing. Unfortunately I do not have the funds lying around to actually pay an editor, so I am launching a new Kickstarter on November 1st for this new book. I will have more details as we get closer, but keep that in mind for now.
9-10 November - Grimoire Market
On both Saturday and Sunday November 9-10th I will be vending at the Grimoire Market at the Dayton Convention Center. I will have copies of my books available, as well as stickers and pins of our friend Bundersnoot. The communications I’ve gotten from the event organizers have said it’s been very popular, so if you’re going to be in the area be sure to get your tickets now.
14-16 March 2025 - Bourbon City Steam
This is the latest announcement, I recently got news from the managers of Bourbon City Steam that I have been selected as a vendor for their next convention in March of 2025. This will be the second year for the convention so it’s still a smaller steampunk con, conventiently located in Louisville, Kentucky. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, be sure to check out their website. My Familiar
Whew, so that was a lot of updates to go through, I think we’ve all earned a look at a pet. This week we have a cat named Loki kindly sent in by regular reader Revel. Tragically Loki passed away in 2020 at the age of 18, but somehow Bundersnoot was able to get in contact.
Through the power of necromancy I have been able to commune with the spirit of Loki. Loki is a very dapper and well-fed gentleman who clearly did not miss a meal in life. Depicted here you can see him looking particularly well-dressed with a bow tie made of the finest duct tape which Loki assures me is a luxury material. While I personally do not go for accessories, I think it is very charming on him. He says that the kitty afterlife he has entred is filled with lots of sunbeams and tasty treats. I give Loki a rating of 10/10

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, send a picture and short description to
Oh hey, you can also join my discord and get early access to works in progress and also see me get plagued with impostor syndrome in real time!
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar