Passwords Are Hard
Hey, everyone, sorry this is a week late. I didn't remember what password I used for this service because I many darn passwords. It was a whole thing and then I felt like a Boomer afterwards. Anyway, what have I been up to?
You never really stop writing as a writer. I'm a little under 4000 words into a short story for my third book and I like where everything's going. So far my beta-readers seem to like it. Yesterday the muse overtook me and I cranked out a 2000 word short story in a couple hours. Sometimes that just happens.
Author Photos
I finally got some pieces for my outfits for the Chicago Steampunk Exposition where I will be presenting two panels and running a game of Fiasco.Hopefully I'll be seeing some of you awesome people there. But I also had Peabody help me take some quick pictures of the outfits.

I'm still not sure which outfit I should wear when I get my official author portrait taken. Send an email to with your favorite.
Book Launch Party
As you're no doubt aware, Silas & Bundersnoot has an official release date of March 15th so I've been looking around for venues to have a book launch party. I am currently in talks with the Cincy Book Rack about a launch party. Right now we've got a tentative date of Saturday, March 23rd at 4 PM. But I will have more details as we get closer. If you're able to come I would love to see all of you there as well. Finally, let's get to the real reason you subscribe to this newsletter.
Rate My Familiar
This week's submission comes from our reader Revel and their self-described void gremlin Laurel.
Laurel is an extremely intelligent cat who has extensive plans to take over the world. I thought I knew all there was to know about being a cat, but Laurel has mastered the arcane secrets of opening doors and she kindly taught it to me. Now I can bother Silas even when he tries to keep me out. I think Laurel will go very far in the world. I give her a 10/10

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, send a picture and short description to
Your friend in books and trains,