It's Coming! It's Coming! It's Coming!
Washington! Washington! Twelve stories high, made of radiation! The present beware—
Wait, no, sorry, wrong announcement. No, the most important news is that the Kickstarter for my next book is going live in a fortnight hence! (Or two weeks for those of you who aren’t big on outdated words.") And you can sign up to be notified the instant the project goes live at the link below! Amastica: A Silas & Bundersnoot Adventure will be going live on Sunday, July 7th. Anyway, that’s what I’ve mostly been busy with this week, in addition to getting the files finalized and sent to the printer. My computer has been updating again which has made getting things done on the computer difficult.
Rate My Familiar
But that isn’t the only news this week, we’ve also got a familiar sent in by resident crazy cat lady Allison. (Yes, she’s told me to my face she’s a crazy cat lady so I’m allowed to say it.) Bundersnoot, what do you think about MacKenzie McMoo?
MacKenzie, more commonly referred to as Kenzie or for some reason Pickle is a black cat who seems to be mostly floof with very little brains. Kenzie’s favorite part of the day is the morning, which he tells me involves breakfast (yay), bathtime (meh), zoomies (spare me), and then flopping into Allison’s lap for bellyrubs. Kenzie loves spending time with his humans so much that he even plays board games with them. Overall, Kenzie is a good cat, but perhaps a little too affectionate for his own good. I give him a 9/10.
Wait, wait, wait, Bundersnoot. You said this cat plays board games?
Yes, yes I did say that.
Well as far as I’m concerned, that’s an 11/10. Perfect cat.

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, send a picture and short description to
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar