I'm Still Here!
Hey, everybody! I know it’s been a couple weeks. I haven’t had much news to report so you I figured it wasn’t necessary for me to flood your inbox with more emails. But I am still alive and I wanted to let you know about what’s still happening in the world of Kalpar.
Grimoire Market
As I’ve said before, I will be vending at the Grimoire Market on November 9th and 10th at the Dayton Convention Center. If you haven’t gotten tickets yet, you can do so here. The word from the event organizers is that it is getting extremely popular and you have to buy tickets in advance, so make sure to get your tickets today. I will have copies of both my books, as well as Bundersnoot pins and stickers available. And speaking of my new book.
Across Amastica Release Date
Despite the Kickstarter not funding, I have Across Amastica scheduled to come out on October 22nd of this year. If you’re not able to come to the Grimoire Market you can preorder the book now wherever books are sold. However I recommend preordering from Bookshop.org so you can support your local bookstores. And you can do that here!
Discord Membership

I have a discord! You can hang out with other weirdos who like my writing! Every Monday you can get exclusive access to whatever the hell I’m working on this week! You can watch as I am plagued with the doubts of impostor syndrome and have to be convinced that, yes, my work has artistic merit! See the deranged memes that I dredge from the depths of the internet! All this and more, available here!
Rate My Familiar
We have a familiar to rate this week!
Let me guess. More sheep.
It might not be sheep.
Mhm. And what’s that noise I hear outside? That sure seems a distinctly a baaing sound.

All right, so it’s another sheep from Rachel. Be nice.
Fine. So this week I have been asked to rate Roe. She has informed me that she is the boss sheep of the farm where Rachel keeps all of these sheep she keeps sending us. Because Roe’s been so busy keeping track of everybody on the farm and making sure everyone gets fed, she hasn’t had time to visit us until now.
Now, I enjoy the company of an animal who knows when mealtime should happen as much as any well-brought-up cat, but Roe is something else. She went so far as to try and boss me around. Me! A Cat! Can you believe the audacity! Cats are clearly superior to sheep! This is why I give Roe a 1 out of 10!

Wow, Bundersnoot, that was a very harsh review. Was that really necessary?
Well, there just isn’t satisfying some people I guess. If you’d like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar send a photo and short description to kalpar@thekalpar.com
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar