I'm Moving! And Miscellaneous Things
It’s been a week of Peabody and I getting back into the regular rhythm of things since we’re safely home from Chicago. Of course we’re proceeding to entirely upend our lives by moving as well. The good part is we found a house in our neighborhood that meets our needs, isn’t a total disaster, and has space for me to build a railroad. The bad news is we now have to pack everything and get ready to move so there may be some delays to progress. Hopefully everything should be settled by the end of next month, though.
How’s all that writing going anyway?
Great! Thanks for asking! Isabella, my editor, got back to me early today and said she’s been sick so she hasn’t been able to get through as much of my rewrites yet, but she’s liking what she sees so far. Hopefully we’ll get Silas & Bundersnoot: Fellowship of the Empty Food Bowl in a more-or-less finished form by the end of next month. Fates willing.
In the meantime I’ve been working on some other fun things. I started work on one new project, which I’m hoping will be a long-term project, and got about 900 words of that one written. And then I got hit by an idea for another story, managed to write several hundred words about it this week, and then had a moment where the Muse took me today and slammed out about one thousand words on that. So I’ll keep working at those as I wait for my editor.
But what about cat photos?
Ah, you want Bundersnoot to rate somebody’s familiar, huh? Well this week’s submission is Jinx, a fine looking cat sent from regular reader Eazy.
Jinx is a cat who has some aspects of being a cat down, but he needs to get better at concealing his true motives from humans. Jinx makes it abundantly clear that he doesn’t need his humans and he has absolutely no desire for them to pet him or play with him. However his behavior has made it abundantly clear to his humans that he does want their attention and gets cranky when he does not receive his wanted attention. Although perhaps this is a new approach in training humans that I’m unfamiliar with.
Jinx also alerts his humans to any rabbits or squirrels, as well as strange humans that threaten his homestead. He has also expanded into a supervisor position, watching his humans whenever they do anything to make sure that they’re doing it the right way. I give Jinx a 9/10, with one point knocked off because his humans still think they know better than him.

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, please send a picture and short description to familiars@thekalpar.com
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar