I'm having a party, and you're invited!
I'm having a book launch party!
The staff of the Cincy Book Rack, one of our many wonderful independent bookstores here in Cincinnati, has agreed to host a launch party for my first novella, Silas & Bundersnoot. It's going to be at their 8315 Beechmont Ave Ste 23 location on Saturday, March 23rd from 4-6PM. And all of you are invited to come!
We will have cake! My friend Draya has promised to read aloud from the book! I will be there with a hat! Umm, there will be other books and they have a gaming shop attached to their store as well? All of these good reasons to come. And if you still use Facebook you can RSVP for the event here.
The Much-Awaited Cat Picture
Today we're rating another familiar from reader Revel, this one is their cat Selina. Here's what Bundersnoot had to say:
Selina is a very beautiful cat with much floof and very friendly. I enjoyed meeting her very much and she very graciously shared her kitty toys with me. However, I have to admit Selina is...not quite all there? It seems that floof has replaced brains in this particular instance. Still, she is a very lovely cat and one cannot fault her for her own personality. Definitely a 9/10 cat.

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, send a picture and short description to familiars@thekalpar.com
Your Friend in Books and Trains,