I'm Back From Louisville
Hello, friends, enemies, and people still under review!
Earlier today I made the brief two-hour trip back from Louisville at River City Steampunk Expo. It was the first year for this con so the crowd was pretty small but it was nice to see some familiar faces and some new ones. And I had people show up to my panels, which is good!
Hey, how’s that book going?
Currently the next volume of Silas & Bundersnoot is with the beta-readers and they have two weeks to get their recommendations back to me. Once that’s finished I’ll be finializing everything for production. Watch this space for future updates. I did manage to get more writing done this weekend in between con shenanigans, so more projects are in the pipeline as well.
Familiar of the week.
This week we actually have a familiar to rate! In fact, reader Rachel sent in a whole flock of familiars! We’ll be taking them one at a time, so take it away Bundersnoot!
Sheep?! You send me sheep?! What sort of self-respecting mage would have sheep as familiars? It was bad enough when I was given a horse but sheep? What’s next? Chickens?!
Bundersnoot, just do the review.
Harumph. Fine. So this week I have been asked to review the sheep Twingo. I initially believed that sheep are sheep but Rachel told me that the sheep all have their own personalities. Twingo definitely seems friendlier than the other sheep and is always demanding cuddles. I will admit that Twingo makes a very comfortable bed when coaxed into a sunbeam. For that I give him a very comfortable 10/10.

If you would like to have Bundersnoot rate your familiar, send a picture and short description to familiars@thekalpar.com
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar