I'm Alive! Computer Less So
Hey, everyone, just sending out a quick email update to let you know everything that’s been going on. Biggest thing is that my laptop is becoming less and less reliable as it refuses to download an update. In the short term this has brought a lot of my writing to a halt. BUT! Good news is I’m getting a (new to me) computer on the 26th and I safely backed up all my writing on an external hard drive so we won’t be losing any of the ongoing projects.
The rest of this is mostly a repeat of everything I’ve said in previous emails so I’ll try to keep it short.
Book Launch Tuesday
Across Amastica: A Silas & Bundersnoot Story will be available globally on Tuesday, October 22nd. Those of you who have pre-ordered will be receiving your copies soon. As always, be sure to leave reviews whereever you can because it really helps me out. If you haven’t bought a copy yet, you can order one from here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/across-amastica-kalpar/21641899
Kickstarter for Ephemera
On November 1st I will be launching a new Kickstarter to create Ephemera, an anthology of seven never-before-published short stories that range from fantasy to sci-fi to steampunk. Be sure to sign up at the pre-launch page so you’ll be notified as soon as it goes live. As always, much like PBS your funding is what makes my art possible.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kalpar/ephemera-an-anthologyGrimoire Market
If you’re in the Southwest Ohio area or are able to make the trip, I will be vending at the Grimoire Market at the Dayton Convention Center on both November 9th and 10th. This will be the first time anybody anywhere will be able to buy Bundersnoot stickers and pins so this is an exclusive opportunity. Tickets are not sold at the door and the last communication I got from event coordinators is they’re at 76% capacity so be sure to get your tickets today.

The Grimoire Exhibition (November 9 + 10, 2024) Dayton Convention Center, Ohio | Grimoire Academy
Entry: In order to attend this event, you must have tickets in advance. Not only is it cheapest to get tickets earlier, but the option of buying tickets at the door is not allowed. Do not wait until the last minute, we often sellout in advance (indoor event). 🍂✂️ Out of Stock Saturday Flash: we're on our last remaining cheap tickets today (price flips soon)--🎀 The Grimoire Exhibition(same event, two days, 12 pm - 5pm)Inspired by Pop-culture & classics like Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Ameri...
That’s it from me. If you want Bundersnoot to rate a familiar, be sure to send a picture and brief description to familiars@thekalpar.com
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar