I Went to Chicago and I'm so Very Tired (Cover Reveal Inside!)
Hi, everyone! I'm back! Indiana is illegally large and there needs to be more high speed rail so I can get to Chicago more easily without spending so much time in Indiana. I got home about ten PM last night, unpacked things, and then passed out so we're finally getting to the newsletter today.
What Happened in Chicago?

I SAW SO MANY TRAINS! We also went to the Chicago Steampunk Exposition, saw some old friends, met some new people, and had quite a few people show up at my panels. I didn't have many people sign up for my newsletter, which means I should probably probably talk up the Rate My Familiar since that's the most popular feature. Speaking of...
Rate My Familiar
This week's familiar comes to us from reader Allison with her cat Tinker Minion Nuisance Machiavelli Johnson, more commonly referred to as Tink. Although apparently Tink says she is not a cat, but in fact a Tink which is like a cat but with an extra dose of evil.
I am not sure what to make of Tink. She refused my request for an interview, saying everything that needed to be said was written in her blog, The Tinker Tails. This blog tells the tragic tale of how Tink was kidnapped by a strange woman and imprisoned in her house where she's only played with five hours a day and fed only four times a day. Truly a terrible fate for a kitten alone in the world. However, ten years later Tink seems resigned to her imprisonment. I cannot help but suspect that she is still plotting her daring escape and I wish her the best. Overall I give Tink a 10/10.

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, please send a picture and short description to familiars@thekalpar.com
Cover Reveal!
My re-writes are still with Isabella so files for the book are still in-progress, but I've gone ahead and had George start work on a cover, which he emailed to me last week. We haven't added the text yet but you can see the cover for the print edition in all its wrap-around glory.

Silas, Bundersnoot, and Waif have a lot of adventures ahead of them in Silas & Bundersnoot 2: The Great Food Adventure. I'm hoping that I'll be able to launch the Kickstarter in the next couple of months here so stay tuned for more updates. I'm going to go nap now.
Your friend in books and trains,
-- Kalpar