I Lost the Farm!
As long-time readers of my newsletter probably know, I have a computer that requires updates about once a month which makes my computer slooooooow doooooooown. It’s very frustrating when I’m trying to write or, in this case, play Stardew Valley. To the point that Stardew Valley actually crashed while I was playing.
Anyway, as I reloaded Stardew Valley it asked me if I wanted local save or cloud save and it turns out my most recent farm was not on local save. And now it’s gone! I’m very upset about this because I had only one more fish to go for the Community Center. (I hate fishing.) And no, I haven’t been able to restart because my computer refuses to cooperate with this latest update for reasons I don’t fully understand.
All that being said, I have managed to get a decent chunk of writing done on Project Four this week in spite of myself and my computer.
Author Festival This Saturday!

For those of you in the Cincinnati area, this is your reminder that I will be at the Cincy Book Rack’s third annual Author Festival this Saturday the 20th from 11 to 5. I will have copies of Silas & Bundersnoot available for purchase but only fifty so be sure to show up early!
Rate My Familiar
We actually have a familiar this week! Rachel, the self-described crazy sheep lady, has sent in another contribution from her flock for Bundersnoot to rate. This week we have Luke, who is very excited to meet Bundersnoot.

He’s trying to kiss me!
He likes you!
Sheep are to be seen and not kissed!
Bundersnoot, be nice.
Hmph. Fine. Luke is a sheep. Like most of the sheep I have been presented with he is very fluffy and soft and makes a nice bed when he stays still long enough for me to get a nap. Unfortunately while Luke acts very sweet and innocent most of the time, this is merely a ruse to lower your guard so he can shower you with affection. I grant Luke a 9/10

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, be sure to send a picture and short description to kalpar@thekalpar.com
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar