I Hate Stairs
As I may have mentioned, Peabody and I recently bought a house which means we’re in the middle of moving. Benefits of the new house? Not a lot of stairs so moving in will be easy. Disadvantage of current apartment? I have to climb up stairs to bring my dozens of boxes of books down, making moving out hard.
And of course the second I think that I’ve finished packing up all the books…

I walk into another room and find more books we have to pack up!

So things are progressing, but I don’t know if my hips and knees are going to ever be the same after this.
But What of Silas & Bundersnoot 2: The Lost Supper Bowl?
So there was a slight boo-boo on my part, I misunderstood that my editor had finished looking at my revisions. The good news is that five people have very generously offered to beta-read the next novel and should be getting me their feedback by June 15th. Obviously moving is going to delay some things for a while but hopefully we’ll be getting a Kickstarter together sometime this summer which means more adventures of Silas & Bundersnoot will be headed your way this year!
Rate My Familiar
rummages around in the mail bin Nope. No familiars submitted. I’d love to share pet pictures but alas, I have none. Send me your pet pictures at familiars@thekalpar.com
River City Steampunk Expo
If you’re on the fence about attending River City Steampunk Expo, you should know that I, Kalpar, shall be there! And y’all want to see me, Kalpar, right? (Don’t answer that.) I’ll be giving a presentation on trains so it will be an entertaining time for all. Sadly I did not have enough stock on hand to vend this year, but hopefully next year!
Anyway, that’s all I got. Everybody stay safe.
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar