How Dare You Speak to Me?
This morning I went to the gym and a complete stranger came up to me and tried to start talking about the progress he’d seen me making. Now, for those of you that aren’t aware I am a heavier person and this leads to some people believing they have a right to comment on me exercising. And to be perfectly frank I don’t like it when people do that. So I decided to stand my ground and just kept repeating “Don’t talk to me” until he went away. I usually try to be nice but this is something I’m not willing to tolerate fools on. I don’t know, did I overreact? What do you think?
Office is Set Up!

Quick tour of my office as we're settling in at the new place. – @thekalpar on Tumblr
Quick tour of my office as we're settling in at the new place.
We’re finally getting towards the end of the unpacking process with our new home and my office is more or less set up. If you’d like to see a short tour you can check it out on Tumblr up above. I have so many books about trains.
Writing Progress!
At the end of this calendar week my beta-readers will be getting back to me on Silas & Bundersnoot 2: Bundersnoot With a Vengence. If nothing goes wrong knocks on wood then I should be getting final edits done and getting it sent off to the printer by the end of June. Gods willing.
But! This doesn’t mean I haven’t been idle! I’ve been working on a collection of short stories, none of which are Bundersnoot-related, and it’s at 52,000 words. I’m feeling really good with that word count so hopefully that’ll be late 2024 or early 2025 when that comes out.
Rate My Familiar
We’ve got another sheep from reader Rachel “the crazy sheep person”. (Their words, not mine!) This week we’ve got the very literal black sheep of the family, Bertie.
You once again bring me sheep. Fine. Bertie is…quite a lot to be perfectly honest. I thought sheep were fairly laid-back and relaxed but no. Apparently the gods saw fit to put all of the energy allocated to sheep and poured it into Bertie. I do not think I saw him stop once in the time I was watching him. He also is extremely inquisitve and keeps poking his nose into my business. Between him and Twingo, I would have to go with the soft, much calmer Twingo. In conclusion I give Bertie a 7/10.

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, send a picture and short description to
Your friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar