Heading to Chicago!
Hey, everyone, I'm taking a quick break between packing and cleaning as Peabody and I get ready to head up to Chicago. We will be attending the Chicago Steampunk Exposition. I will be giving presentations on Vampire Hunting and Science and Superstition on Saturday (as well as running a game of Fiasco) and Peabody will be giving a presentation on the history of horror on Friday and Saturday. If you're coming to Chicago, be sure to visit us and get a business card!
Silas & Bundersnoot Updates
If you've been following my Facebook you already know, but I AM FINALLY FINISHED WITH THE FIRST ROUND OF REWRITES!

The revised draft has been sent back to my editor, Isabella, and hopefully in the next few months I'll be able to launch the Kickstarter for Silas & Bundersnoot 2: Attack of the Peets in a couple of months. Watch this space for future updates. However I did have quite a bit of fun during one part of writing which is just too good to not share.

Rate My Familiar
Of course, it's time for everyone's favorite part of the newsletter, our familiar of the week. This week's familiar is Tavi McMoo submitted by reader Allison.
Tavi, or as he is properly called McTavish, is one of the three Brothers McMoo. I have been told this is because their human keeps calling them cows for some strange reason.Tavi has had his humans make him an excellent window box with access to sunbeams which I highly recommend as a nap spot as well as a birdwatching station. When he is happy, Tavi has a purr unmatched by any feline I've known. However, Tavi does seem fascinated by his feet and enjoys showing them off to his humans. Overall I give him a 9/10.

If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, send an picture and short description to familiars@thekalpar.com
Your friend in books and trains,
-- Kalpar