Flash Sale!
Hello, everyone, this week has been a disaster of my computer not cooperating/when it is working me just playing Stardew Valley. You’ll notice this email is a little early and that’s because I want all of you to know about the special sale going on now.
Today I took part in the Cincy Book Rack’s 3rd Annual Author Festival. In celebration I am currently running a sale on the Adventure Bundle for my Kickstarter. This means you get the book, the sticker, and the enamel pin for just $35. But! And this is important, this sale ends at 11:59 EDT tomorrow. So act fast to secure your adventure bundle.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kalpar/across-amastica-a-silas-and-bundersnoot-adventureYour friend in books and trains,
— Kalpar
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