By the Skin of Our Teeth

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Kickstarter for my third book, Ephemera. We just squeaked in at the last minute thanks to two very specific individuals who know who they are, but that means this project will be going forward. I’ve reached out to my regular editor and hopefully come January we’ll start work on getting this new book ready for publication. My goal is getting this new book out November of 2025, but my hope is that it may be sooner. No promises yet though. I will be keeping everyone updated on what happens from here, though.
Upcoming Events
So far I’ve got two events I’m vending at for 2025: Bourbon City Steampunk in Louisville, Kentucky and Key City Steampunk in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

However this does not mean that these are the only events I want to do. If you know of any events (ideally within a couple hours drive of Cincinnati) where you’d like to see Bundersnoot pay a visit, be sure to send an email to
Alternately you can hang out on the discord here:
Rate My Familiar
Good news, everyone! We have a familiar to rate this week! Regular reader Rachel has very generously…
Hang on, Rachel? The crazy sheep lady?
It could be another Rachel. There are a lot of Rachels in the world, you know.
Is it another Rachel, though?
-dramatic sigh- Send in the sheep.
This week’s familiar is, I am promised, the last of Rachel’s flock of many sheep, big boy BP.
BP is an extremely large sheep, to the point I’m wondering if perhaps one of Silas’s spells got loose. Despite being so big, BP is very friendly and quite willing to share his warm and fluffy wool, which is a benefit with the current temperature and no mistake. Like most of Rachel’s sheep, BP makes a very good bed. However he is still a sheep! Not a cat! A sheep! Who ever heard of a wizard having a sheep as a familiar! I grant BP an 8/10.

A very magnanimous rating from Bundersnoot. If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar, send a picture and short description to
Your friend in Books and Trains
— Kalpar